Before You Order Your BigYellowBag FAQ’s :
What makes BigYellowBag Black Garden Soil a premium product?
BigYellowBag® is the North American originator of bulk garden product delivery in a bag. We got started back in 1994 and have been committed to quality products, and customer service ever since. We build all our garden products from individual components, and carefully select suppliers to ensure that every BigYellowBag® is up to our standards. We’re in the business of making people happy, and have a 100% Customer Satisfaction guarantee at the time of delivery.
Can I get an update on the delivery date?
Our ordering process operates on an “on or before” delivery date system. When you select a date for delivery, we will be delivering your BigYellowBag order on or before that date. We send delivery alert emails the day before your BigYellowBag will be delivered to keep you informed.
Does BigYellowBag provide a smaller bag/size?
We do not provide smaller sizes of BigYellowBags. Our standard BigYellowBag holds slightly over 1 cubic yard of soil or mulch (approx. 800 litres) and it’s the perfect amount for a variety of projects! For customers who require less, we suggest asking a neighbour or a friend if they would be willing to split the BigYellowBag with you!
“Can you deliver the bag over a fence? On the lawn? Under the car-port?”
Most of our BigYellowBag suppliers use “piggy-back” style forklifts to deliver BigYellowBags. These are the forklifts that attach to the back of transport trucks. They require approximately 9 feet of horizontal clearance, and 16 feet of vertical clearance. They do not have the capability to drop bags over fences or shrubs, and due to the vertical clearance we cannot deliver under car-ports or in garages. We don’t recommend placing the bag on your lawn to avoid any inadvertent damage to the turf (from the bag sitting over time, or from our forklift tires) and also be aware of other obstructions like overhanging wires, and AC units. Check out this video that shows the delivery process, and how easy your BigYellowBag delivery will be.
After you order your BigYellowBag FAQ’s :
How long do I have to empty the bag?
When you purchase a BigYellowBag, the bag is yours to keep! There’s no time constraint for you to use the bag. All of our BigYellowBag suppliers provide options for you to return the bag once it is emptied. Please contact your local BigYellowBag supplier to inquire about their Empty Bag Return Policy.
Alternatively, you can use empty BigYellowBags for all kinds of things around your property:
- moving or storing leaf litter and other yard debris
- a cover for your BBQ or A/C unit
- storage for gazebo covers/garden tents
- protect lawn furniture or decorations over winter
“My confirmation email says to use the bag the next day, but I’ll need more time than that!”
The only reason we state to “plan to use the bag the next day” in our confirmation emails is so that you don’t plan to use the BigYellowBag on the day it’s going to be delivered. We deliver the bags from sun up to sun down. We wouldn’t want to disappoint anyone on their delivery date with a late delivery that doesn’t leave you time to complete your project!
“Can the driver call when they arrive?”
All our delivery drivers do their best make each delivery as efficiently as possible. This reduces emissions and ensures that all our customers receive their delivery during our regular delivery hours. Because of this efficiency requirement, our drivers cannot make phone calls on arrival. We appreciate your understanding, and this is also why we ask that you define your drop location in detail during the order process.
After Delivery of Your BigYellowBag FAQ’s :
Concerns with BigYellowBag Placement
When completing a BigYellowBag order, it’s essential to define your bag drop location with detail. Our drivers are trained to follow the provided delivery instructions, and also to look for an “X” for the exact drop location. We ask our customers to leave this “X” out in their drop location the night before their delivery so that our driver will know exactly where to place the bag. The bag requires a square area of about 4’X4′. Specific delivery instructions and an “X” in the drop location prevents misplaced bags, and also allows our drivers to complete the delivery efficiently without further instruction.
“I marked the “X” in my desired drop location, but my bag was placed elsewhere!”
As we mentioned previously, our forklifts require approximately 9 feet of horizontal clearance, and 16 feet of vertical clearance. If your bag was placed somewhere that you did not request, have a look at your requested drop location and ensure that there’s no reason our driver couldn’t have delivered there. Once again, we cannot go through gates or lift over shrubs or fences, we cannot put the bags under car ports or in garages, and we cannot deliver on or across lawns. If your drop location was completely free from obstruction and your bag was still placed improperly, give your local BigYellowBag supplier a call to arrange to have your bag moved to the proper location.
Empty Bag Return BigYellowBag FAQ’s :
“How do I return the bag?”
All BigYellowBag suppliers have an empty bag return system in place. We take environmental considerations very seriously, and we do our best to reuse or recycle every BigYellowBag. Check your order confirmation email for empty bag return details, or head to this link and click “View Details” underneath your local BigYellowBag supplier!
“Can you come and pick up the empty bag?”
We only pick-up empty bags if we are delivering a new BigYellowBag to the same location. We do not pick-up empty bags if we’re in the neighbourhood, and we ask that you do not approach our delivery drivers in an effort to return your empty bags.
“I ordered too much... Can you come pick-up my unused bag?”
We do our best to advise our customers when ordering soil to make accurate measurements and closely estimate the amount of soil they will require. We do not pick-up unused bags for free, and if you require us to pickup a bag, there will be charges incurred for the pick up.